About Us

Bringing you a good night's sleep in the cloud!

Hi, everyone! I’m Wynell Werra, a man with a passion for comfortable living.

I’d like to share with you why I started Myfurniturebazaar.com, a website dedicated to selling mattresses, and how the idea became a reality step by step.

I have always been a person who pays attention to details and mattresses have a huge impact on our daily comfort and health.

A few years ago, I was searching for a high quality mattress when I realized that the choices on the market were very limited.

Caught up in tedious comparisons and constant disappointment, I began to wonder why there wasn’t a place that offered consumers a truly comfortable, high-quality mattress option.

This idea gradually evolved into the inspiration for Myfurniturebazaar.com. I wanted to create a place, a platform that would help people find their ideal mattress.

So, for countless late nights, I researched the different types, materials and technologies of mattresses, looking for those that would truly enhance the quality of sleep.

I became obsessed with the process because I knew that by providing a quality mattress, I could help people wake up feeling refreshed every morning.

After months of planning and preparation, Myfurniturebazaar.com was finally born!

At Myfurniturebazaar.com, we offer our customers a carefully selected selection of mattresses, whether it’s a comfortable memory foam mattress or a more supportive spring mattress.

When it comes to the benefits of a mattress, I am convinced that a good mattress is more than just a piece of furniture, it is an investment in quality of life. A good night’s sleep can help boost productivity, immunity, and even improve your mood.

That’s why we at Myfurniturebazaar.com offer our customers a wide range of quality mattresses to help them have a healthier and more comfortable sleep experience.

I feel incredibly fortunate to be able to offer a high quality selection of mattresses through Myfurniturebazaar.com.

I am a firm believer that a comfortable mattress can make a huge difference in life, and I hope to be able to share your happiness and comfort in that change.

Thank you for your support!